Sunday, October 27, 2013

Android custom view testing and ensure accessibility services is enabled for all custom view ui controls

Generally, Android application developers get accessibility support for free, courtesy of the view and view group classes.

But however, some applications use custom view components to provide a richer user experience. Such custom components won't get the accessibility support that is provided by the standard Android UI components. If tester wants to perform an action on these custom view components, it’s very hard to create an object reference from instrumentation to click, drag or any other actions. Programmatically traversing of custom view classes is not possible. Here instrumentation is very limited until unless developers can provide the methods to perform an action like on click, touch and other stuff.

If this applies to your application, ensure that the application developer exposes the custom drawn UI components to Android accessibility services. Set an each element’s accessibility status and provide custom content for the label for test automation purpose.

Have a look at this video for accessibility service How importance for end mobile users